Thursday, 28 January 2016

Driving Lessons Halifax

Congratulations To

Lewis Fisher

From #Halifax on passing his #drivingtest on the 28th of January. Well done Lewis well worth the very early start and. Been a pleasure helping you gain your full licence. Enjoy being in the car instead of on the bike travelling to Bradford for work.

#drivesafe #rptdrivertraining #drivinglessonshalifax 

Tuesday, 5 January 2016

Driving Lessons Halifax

Congratulations To

Beth Beeby

From #Halifax on passing her #drivingtest on the 05th of January. Well done Beth well worth the early start. Been a pleasure helping you gain your full licence. Lots of laughs along the way, your hard work paid off today. Enjoy :)

#drivesafe #rptdrivertraining #drivinglessonshalifax